Biscuits Industrial

Eve Online, Spreadsheets in space

Ship Image goes Here, Mail SkippTekk or tweet @XGKIPPY for a fix

Default values of the ship.

Ship Powergrid: 830 MW

Ship Mass: 99,300,000

Ship Volume: 470,000

Group ID: 27

Race BROKEN on faction: Amarr Empire

Nightmare ID: 17736

Module Tree Location:

Some shit information goes here cause you know.... fucking broken

What's your ME BPO number

Select your Rig (not working)
Select your Location

Ore Bonus Varient (not working)

Minerals Citadel Engineering Refining
Tritanium 9,600,000 9,504,000 9,408,000
Pyerite 4,800,000 4,752,000 4,704,000
Mexallon 720,000 712,800 705,600
Isogen 480,000 475,200 470,400
Nocxium 36,000 35,640 35,280
Zydrine 9,600 9,504 9,408
Megacyte 4,800 4,752 4,704
Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal 240 238 236
Core Temperature Regulator 1 1 1
Life Support Backup Unit 120 119 118
Sansha NET Resonator 160 159 157
Compressed Ore Ore Count
Compressed Arkonor Math goes here
Compressed Bistot Moon shit here
Compressed Crokite Moon shit here
Compressed Gneiss Moon shit here
Compressed Spodumain Moon shit here
Compressed Dark Ochre Moon shit here
Ship Description and Data:

When this terror was first seen haunting the spacelanes, rumors abounded about its design, which bore the indelible stamp of Sansha Kuvakei's unique madness. Who else, the conspiracy theorists argued, could come up with such marvelously twisted designs? These and other theories were all but confirmed during the Sansha invasions of YC 111-112, as endless swarms of Nightmare fleets descended upon planet dweller and capsuleer alike, eager to serve their returned master Sansha Kuvakei once again.
