Biscuits Industrial

Eve Online, Spreadsheets in space

Ship Image goes Here, Mail SkippTekk or tweet @XGKIPPY for a fix

Default values of the ship.

Ship Powergrid: 2,175 MW

Ship Mass: 1,310,000,000

Ship Volume: 18,135,000

Group ID: 1,538

Race BROKEN on faction: Amarr Empire

Apostle ID: 37604

Module Tree Location:

Some shit information goes here cause you know.... fucking broken

What's your ME BPO number

Select your Rig (not working)
Select your Location

Ore Bonus Varient (not working)

Minerals Citadel Engineering Refining
Capital Propulsion Engine 10 10 10
Capital Sensor Cluster 15 15 15
Capital Armor Plates 20 20 20
Capital Capacitor Battery 15 15 15
Capital Power Generator 10 10 10
Capital Shield Emitter 10 10 10
Capital Jump Drive 5 5 5
Capital Drone Bay 5 5 5
Capital Computer System 10 10 10
Capital Construction Parts 10 10 10
Capital Siege Array 25 25 25
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay 15 15 15
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay 8 8 8
U-C Trigger Neurolink Conduit 32 32 32
Radar-FTL Interlink Communicator 5 5 5
Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal 400 396 392
Life Support Backup Unit 200 198 196
Capital Core Temperature Regulator 1 1 1
Neurolink Protection Cell 1 1 1
Compressed Ore Ore Count
Compressed Arkonor Math goes here
Compressed Bistot Moon shit here
Compressed Crokite Moon shit here
Compressed Gneiss Moon shit here
Compressed Spodumain Moon shit here
Compressed Dark Ochre Moon shit here
Ship Description and Data:

"Her Imperial Majesty's life will stand eternal as an example for all who live truly and rightly within the embrace of Holy Amarr. The martyrdom of Empress Jamyl I was inflicted with base treachery but its lasting effect will be the inspiration of a thousand generations down the ages." - excerpt from the Funeral Oration on the Passing of Empress Jamyl I by High Chaplain Kalefa Sufrin an-Kador, YC117.09.20 Following the assassination by a Drifter strikeforce of Empress Jamyl I while she was aboard an Avatar-class Titan in late August YC117, there was a period of soul-searching and close scrutiny of capital ship doctrines by the Imperial Navy's staff officers. It was soon realized that lack of experience in capital ship warfare had left fleet doctrines lagging behind the tactics of capsuleers fighting in the Outer Regions. From this realization was born the concept of the Force Auxiliary capital ship, a vessel dedicated to ensuring the survival of more combat- and command-oriented capital ships such as Carriers and Titans. The Apostle-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned in memory of Empress Jamyl I and is richly decorated in token of this dedication.
